
Sunday 12 September 2010

Tweet Adder - 4th Day In

I'm halfway through my test for Tweet Adder. I tweeted that I purchased a license for the tool after my trial ran out, as I was limited to the number of followers and unfollows (250 for each!). Considering my initial target it 10k targetted followers to help me gain traffic to my blog, I though "Ah, I'd better purchase it then".

So, $55 (about £37) later I had a full license for the tool for use with a single profile. There were 4 purchase options; 1 profile, 5 profiles, 10 profiles and unlimited profiles. In other words, that's support for 1, 5, 10 or an infinite amount of Twitter accounts that you may create and use with Tweet Adder. That's pretty sweet.

However, I have only purchased a single profile license at this time, and may upgrade in the future as I branch out into further niches.
Anyway, back to the review. At the beginning of my trial, on 9th September, I also signed up to Twitter Counter (if you don't know what this is, you can check it out on another post of mine; Twitter Counter; Another Tool For Pro Twitters) and I had 243 followers and was following 533. That was all manual labour (using a combination of Twitter Search and Twellow).

That was boring.

Then I came across Tweet Adder. I was suspicious at first, since I heard tons of people have been banned for spamming the unfollow rules and regulations of Twitter. However, this was due to "bulk" actions; such as "bulk follow" and "bulk unfollow". This was spammy as it either followed 500 Twitters instantly, or took up to 500 away instantly.

But this tool is different; it uses breaks between following and unfollowing people. For example, you can set a target of 500 follows (after you've searched for them using keywords within the tool) and tell Tweet Adder to follow the next person on your list between 1 - 999 seconds since the last add. So, no more bulk actions. 

The same goes for the unfollow action, and you've also got a "follow back", to help out those following you so you can share the love back with them.


There are other automation features, such as auto tweets, auto messages etc with timescales between each tweet (e.g. "tweet every 60 to 120 minutes") and you can set a list of tweets that you want to circulate. I've got some shameless plugs to my blog in there, and also to some fantastic tools I use aswell.

Now, with this in mind; check out my Twitter Followers and Followees after just 3 days of using the tool:

I've gone from having just over 250 followers to almost 700 in 3 days!

Additionally, with this extra lovin' you can imagine my Twitter rank has gone up, too. Well, now that you ask... it has!

So, this truly is the best £37 ($55) I have ever spent on a marketing tool. From this, I truly recommend it to you. I'm not getting paid to say this, or to write this article about this tool. I'll be straight up and say all the links to Tweet Adder are through my affiliate link, but hey; if I'm promoting their tool (I don't have to!) because I love it so much, and I sign some people up to them; I'd quite like a little reward for my efforts.

For those of you who are skeptical about paying for a tool like this, please go back up the page and check out how literally 20 minutes a day has dramatically boosted my followers. Yes, that does sound like a super-slick sales speech, but trust me. If in doubt, ask me anything you want and I'll try my best to help you out. At the end of the day though, if you aren't up to buying it, it's no big deal. But you can see the gains you'll get from using this tool.

Oh yeah, and these aren't just random followers either. Nope, they are targetted followers. The best kind of followers to have! I discuss stuff with them, recommend tools and articles in my blog to them (if I've written my thoughts and reviews up, of course!).

The only downside to this sudden burst of popularity is that I churn through around 200 DM (Direct Messages) per day. That can get a bit tiresome, but the majority of messages are auto-messages that aren't expecting a human response or they're just spam and shouting out about some way to earn $35000 in 14 days. I usually DM back to them saying "wow, have you tried this tool?" and they never reply. So they either are too rich to reply, or they haven't actually used the tool they're promoting!!

One guy keeps sending me messages about how to get 10k followers in a small period of time; something like 2 weeks or even a few days. The message differs in timescale occasionally but you get the point. So, I checked his profile out (as you do!) but lo and behold, he's only got around 1,000 followers. So I ask him, "Hey, are you currently using this tool to boost your followers, and are they targetted?" and he doesn't reply either.

Geez, what is with this half-arsed affiliates? They promote a tool they either don't use (or just don't understand!) and kick themselves in the nuts 'cos if it works so well, why the hell aren't they using it!?

I just don't understand.

Anyways, that about wraps up Tweet Adder. So, if you're into boosting your profile on Twitter or simply want to mass-find and add people with similar interests with no monetary gains involved, get at least one license for this tool.

Over a period of time it'll change your Twitter life forever. Just see my results for yourself; and that's literally over the past 3 days as you can clearly see!!

If you have any questions please comment below, DM me on Twitter (@adamthemoneyman) or add me on Facebook.

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