
Monday 20 September 2010

Blog News - Moving To Wordpress

Hey everyone,

Over the next few weeks towards October I will be moving over to a Wordpress hosted solution for my website. They offer better SEO than Blogger does, as well as some more profesisonal themes. Baby blue just doesn't cut it for me, and I'm not web designer (plus I'm lazy) so I can't be bothered with designing my own template.

Oh, and I'm a bit tight on the money too so I'm not gonna dish out on someone else designing one for me. A simple and practical blog is all I need, thanks!

I will be keeping up my reviews, and don't forget to stay updated on Twitter. I know it gets a bit messy sometimes - especially when you're following a load of people - but I'm in there somewhere promoting my blog and my golden bullet of a program (a.k.a. Twitter Rockstar) as well as giving you hints and tips to help make and save money online.

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