
Monday 20 September 2010

Blog News - Moving To Wordpress

Hey everyone,

Over the next few weeks towards October I will be moving over to a Wordpress hosted solution for my website. They offer better SEO than Blogger does, as well as some more profesisonal themes. Baby blue just doesn't cut it for me, and I'm not web designer (plus I'm lazy) so I can't be bothered with designing my own template.

Oh, and I'm a bit tight on the money too so I'm not gonna dish out on someone else designing one for me. A simple and practical blog is all I need, thanks!

I will be keeping up my reviews, and don't forget to stay updated on Twitter. I know it gets a bit messy sometimes - especially when you're following a load of people - but I'm in there somewhere promoting my blog and my golden bullet of a program (a.k.a. Twitter Rockstar) as well as giving you hints and tips to help make and save money online.

Upcoming - New Tactics

Now that I've finished my trial of Tweet Adder with great success (see this post for more information; Tweet Adder - Review) I'm gonna continue working on building my twitterbase while focusing on trying out other tactics and tools of the trade.

Currently, I've got one called "Auto Traffic Avalanche" on the go, which I will be purchasing when I get paid on Friday (sometimes it's good to have a steady job when you're breaking into the affiliate marketing business!). I'll focus on that one for 2 weeks as it's a bigger program to run by. But, I will submit my "initial thoughts", a mid-term review one week after before finishing up with a full, final review with a conclusion as to whether or not I'll be asking for my money back!

I'm looking forward to this next review too. Like all the others, it promoses a good return rpetty quickly, so let's see how quick this program really is!!

Friday 17 September 2010

Tweet Adder - Review

Hey everyone, as you know over the past week I've been trying out the popular "Tweet Adder" tool. This tool's aim is to help marketers (or even your average twitter) to find like-minded people and follow them, with the aim that they follow you back. There is a ton of automation features such as auto-follow, auto-follow back and auto-unfollow. These ones are common enough in other automation tools.

However, you'll also find the ability to automatically tweet, update your RSS feed, re-tweet and auto-@replies.


I won't be repeating myself in this post, so if you haven't already please check out my mid-week review for Tweet Adder, here:

This explains how well I've done after just 4 days of using the tool. It's fantastic stuff which is proven by how vertical my statistics graph goes when I put this tool into action!

So, one full week later and I've got a total of 1055 followings and 2001 followers. That's a decent enough 1:1.89 ratio, although to get into the higher figures I'll be needing a tighter ratio of 1:1.2. (that's 1 following for every 1.2 followers). You can see how well I've done by my graph as pulled from Twitter Counter:

Additionally, my statistics have shot up since my mid-week review:

As you can see, the effects are amazing. Now, this isn't to be confused with a money-making scheme. Tweet Adder won't directly make you any money. So you'll feel like you're spending $47 (£33) on nothing since there's no return value.

Or is there?

The question is; how long would it have taken me to manually click all those xxxx followers? And to submit those tweets advertising the tools I personally think are worth it along with my own blog on a regular basis so they are kept in the "tweet fray" when up against thousands of other twitterers?

I'll tell you how long. Crazy long. When I first started using Twitter, almost 6 months ago now, I used it for like a week and only managed to be bothered to follow around 500 people and got 250ish in return. I got so bored after that (and I honestly didn't see that I could combine advertising with it!) that I gave up and left my account to gather dust for 5 months.

That's when Tweet Adder popped up after I read a few affiliate marketing blogs and got some great ideas!!

So here I am. With my own blog with my full reviews on tools that I have personally spent either my time or money (or a combination!) on in order to find out what works and what doesn't.

I don't believe in all this "entrust me with $50 and I'll tell you what works and what doesn't!" mumbo jumbo. It may work for you, buddy, but that doesn't mean I'll be able to rake in an impossibly accurate sum month after month.

Anyway, back to the review. If you've not already, you can download the Tweet Adder demo which is fully functional, but limits you to around 250 auto-follows, 250 auto un-follows and around 50 auto tweets/direct messages (DMs). This only gives you a taste of the tool, which is ideal. 20 minutes later, when I burnt through my 250 follows I thought "wow, I really need the full license".

$47 later I was charging through another 250 followers while refining my search terms to get the most targetted, accurate and (most of all) real twitters (no spammers here!) onto my search database so the tool can automtaically pull the next twitterer from there and follow them.

It's an incredibly easy tool to use and totally pain free. There's literally no learning curve; just fire it up, big buttons tell you what they do and if you want to do that then click it. Easy!

To wrap things up, I'm not getting paid to write this nor am I in any way directly related to Tweet Adder. I am doing this of my own accord. Saying that though, I'll be honest in saying that all the links to Tweet Adder are my affiliate link. If I love a tool that's helped me promote myself and my affiliated products, why shouldn't I get a little reward for promoting the tool further and bringing them more business?

That my friends, is affiliation at it's best. I hope this review has helped you at least consider the tool for your marketing/networking use. It is literally a fantastic tool that won't get you banned nor is it a low-life black-hat box of trickery. It's a legit, honest tool that can really help you expand your presence on Twitter easily and cost-effectively.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Tweet Adder - 4th Day In

I'm halfway through my test for Tweet Adder. I tweeted that I purchased a license for the tool after my trial ran out, as I was limited to the number of followers and unfollows (250 for each!). Considering my initial target it 10k targetted followers to help me gain traffic to my blog, I though "Ah, I'd better purchase it then".

So, $55 (about £37) later I had a full license for the tool for use with a single profile. There were 4 purchase options; 1 profile, 5 profiles, 10 profiles and unlimited profiles. In other words, that's support for 1, 5, 10 or an infinite amount of Twitter accounts that you may create and use with Tweet Adder. That's pretty sweet.

However, I have only purchased a single profile license at this time, and may upgrade in the future as I branch out into further niches.
Anyway, back to the review. At the beginning of my trial, on 9th September, I also signed up to Twitter Counter (if you don't know what this is, you can check it out on another post of mine; Twitter Counter; Another Tool For Pro Twitters) and I had 243 followers and was following 533. That was all manual labour (using a combination of Twitter Search and Twellow).

That was boring.

Then I came across Tweet Adder. I was suspicious at first, since I heard tons of people have been banned for spamming the unfollow rules and regulations of Twitter. However, this was due to "bulk" actions; such as "bulk follow" and "bulk unfollow". This was spammy as it either followed 500 Twitters instantly, or took up to 500 away instantly.

But this tool is different; it uses breaks between following and unfollowing people. For example, you can set a target of 500 follows (after you've searched for them using keywords within the tool) and tell Tweet Adder to follow the next person on your list between 1 - 999 seconds since the last add. So, no more bulk actions. 

The same goes for the unfollow action, and you've also got a "follow back", to help out those following you so you can share the love back with them.


There are other automation features, such as auto tweets, auto messages etc with timescales between each tweet (e.g. "tweet every 60 to 120 minutes") and you can set a list of tweets that you want to circulate. I've got some shameless plugs to my blog in there, and also to some fantastic tools I use aswell.

Now, with this in mind; check out my Twitter Followers and Followees after just 3 days of using the tool:

I've gone from having just over 250 followers to almost 700 in 3 days!

Additionally, with this extra lovin' you can imagine my Twitter rank has gone up, too. Well, now that you ask... it has!

So, this truly is the best £37 ($55) I have ever spent on a marketing tool. From this, I truly recommend it to you. I'm not getting paid to say this, or to write this article about this tool. I'll be straight up and say all the links to Tweet Adder are through my affiliate link, but hey; if I'm promoting their tool (I don't have to!) because I love it so much, and I sign some people up to them; I'd quite like a little reward for my efforts.

For those of you who are skeptical about paying for a tool like this, please go back up the page and check out how literally 20 minutes a day has dramatically boosted my followers. Yes, that does sound like a super-slick sales speech, but trust me. If in doubt, ask me anything you want and I'll try my best to help you out. At the end of the day though, if you aren't up to buying it, it's no big deal. But you can see the gains you'll get from using this tool.

Oh yeah, and these aren't just random followers either. Nope, they are targetted followers. The best kind of followers to have! I discuss stuff with them, recommend tools and articles in my blog to them (if I've written my thoughts and reviews up, of course!).

The only downside to this sudden burst of popularity is that I churn through around 200 DM (Direct Messages) per day. That can get a bit tiresome, but the majority of messages are auto-messages that aren't expecting a human response or they're just spam and shouting out about some way to earn $35000 in 14 days. I usually DM back to them saying "wow, have you tried this tool?" and they never reply. So they either are too rich to reply, or they haven't actually used the tool they're promoting!!

One guy keeps sending me messages about how to get 10k followers in a small period of time; something like 2 weeks or even a few days. The message differs in timescale occasionally but you get the point. So, I checked his profile out (as you do!) but lo and behold, he's only got around 1,000 followers. So I ask him, "Hey, are you currently using this tool to boost your followers, and are they targetted?" and he doesn't reply either.

Geez, what is with this half-arsed affiliates? They promote a tool they either don't use (or just don't understand!) and kick themselves in the nuts 'cos if it works so well, why the hell aren't they using it!?

I just don't understand.

Anyways, that about wraps up Tweet Adder. So, if you're into boosting your profile on Twitter or simply want to mass-find and add people with similar interests with no monetary gains involved, get at least one license for this tool.

Over a period of time it'll change your Twitter life forever. Just see my results for yourself; and that's literally over the past 3 days as you can clearly see!!

If you have any questions please comment below, DM me on Twitter (@adamthemoneyman) or add me on Facebook.

Friday 10 September 2010

Clickbank and Twitter Combo

After browsing the Clickbank mass of affiliated links that are available for promotion, and my current fancy for Twitter, I decided to search for Twitter related stuff. Low and behold, there's a couple of good things occuring on there; all promising the same thing: make money and/or get tons of followers with Twitter.

Obviously these are two things which I (and you, since you're reading this!) am interested in. So, I have created a small list of 3 of the tools that I will ultimately purchase and test over a small period of time.

This "small" period of time will probably be around 1-2 weeks. Some of you may think "holy cow, that's not long enough to make millions!". Those thinking that should be congratulated; 2 weeks is not enough time to make millions, but nor is it my aim to make millions in 2 weeks.

By using these tools and strictly following their guidance, I should be able to see an increase in my sales by using these tools during these two weeks. If the tools really are as simple, quick and profitable as they say they are, after two weeks I should definately see my paypal/bank balance grow somewhat. This may only be 5 sales. It may only be $100. But its something, and with that something I will be able to take a longer time refining the strategy behind it to make even more money faster.

And that, readers, is what I shall relay to you in the form of a review and rating once I have completed my little trial of the tools so you guys know what tools to invest in and how to correctly use them in order to start earning money online.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter (@adamthemoneymaker) for up to date news on what's occuring with my online money making schemes and a heads up on the best tools to use right now to start earning money online.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Get 1,000's of Followers a Week With Tweet Adder

Today I'm doing a very quick article on a newly found tool ("new" for me; it's actually been around for some time now).

This tool allows you to get thousands of followers on Twitter pretty much autotically. There's a few clicks that you'll need to do on yourside of things, but the overall concept is better than manually clicking "Follow" on Twitter 300+ times a day for the same result.

Now, when I say "followers", I'm meanning targeted followers. Not just any old followers. So this will really help you (as a business, affiliate or individual marketing themselves or something - a musician, maybe?). You fill in a few details in the software, click a couple of buttons and bang - a few moents later you've got well over 1500 Twitters in your face and all you gotta do is choose to add them or not.

However, as with Twitters rules you can only really add up to 500 new followers a day. Plus you can't break the 2k follower limit without the same number of people following you. The tool takes care of this too, allowing you to auto-unfollow any and everyone who isn't following you.

I've just started using this tool the other day, but I didn't really hit hard on it. I'm following around 500-odd people and have already got about half following me back.

Tonight I will hit so hard on this thing it'll push the boundaries of what's legal for Twitter. I'm talking using the tool effectively, as it was designed to do. My target by the end of Sunday of this week (that's 4 days away including today!) is to have a whopping 2,000 followers. That's 2k people following me on Twitter; so that will definately be a 500 a day jobby.

My rules will be;
  • Follow people on Twitter. Set upto around 450-500 auto-follows to keep in line with Twitters rules.
  • Repeat this every day
  • After 48 hours, auto-unfollow anybody not following me
So, if I can add 500 people a day but only 200 follow me back, I'll add another 500 for the next two days and auto-unfollow those who aren't following me from two days back to keep things in line.

The aim is to be constantly building my followers - if this really works I'll be keeping this strategy in line and then I can start testing out some of the "make money online with Twitter" tools that I mentioned in previous articles.

Don't forget to check out my "How To Make Money Online" group on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter (@adamthemoneymaker) for up to date news on what's occuring with my online money making schemes and earnings for that week.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Upcoming Articles - Make Money Using Social Platforms

This month I’m writing up articles on a few of the more popular systems to make money online by using the social platforms Facebook and Twitter. Starting off with Twitter, I will be focusing on 10 tools I have come across. Using my money and my time, I will dive into each of these tools for a whole week in order to see if I get any tangible returns.

Some of the tools state they will earn you money very fast. We’re talking about a few hours or days here; so after I’ve implemented them I’ll run with them like the wind in order to see if they’re hot or not. Obviously my review will plainly tell you guys if they’re worth your time and money; however the point of this blog is to make as much money as possible with as little outgoings as possible. There’s no point spending $1,000 dollars a month of you’re only going to return £1,200. Or maybe even $1,500; depending on whether you feel that extra $500 is justified by the work you put in over the month.

After this, I will launch a series of articles about a handful of Facebook tools and systems I have also come across.

So, pay attention and keep watch as I blow these tools open after risking my own cash to see if they’re gonna be winners or not.

Upcoming Articles - Make Money With Twitter

I've come across a "top 10" list that claims these ten products will help me make Twitter a goldmine of cash.

So, over the next few weeks I'm going to be focusing on trialling them out, picking them apart and seeing if I can make any decent returns before submitting each tool as its own article here. Discussions will be open on the How To Make Money Online Facebook group after each article has been submitted on here.

Are these crap or will they bring the cash home? There's only one way to find out. So stay tuned and keep reading, as I certify each of these tools as profitable or a big pile of steaming poo not worth our time.

How To Really Make Some Big Bucks Online

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be working on trialling some apparently "new", "exciting" and "powerful" tools that will help even the most average of Joes earn a pretty penny online. If these work, I will shamelessly plug some links in to spread the love. Because, if they work, why keep it to myself? That would be completely counter-pruductive of me considering the topics of this blog!

These tools promise easy money. But can you actually get "easy money"? What is "easy money"? Money you get from literally sitting on your butt all day while the cash rolls in? Or earning a sweet sum online but only doing less than 20 hours work per week? Per month? These are the things I'll be opening for discussion over the coming weeks too.

Because, after all; before you can make money online you've got to first define how you'll make money, where your targets and goals lie at making this money (will you sell products, promote them through affiliation or simply rape at Google AdSense, not needing to sell or buy anything but simply chuck a horde of quality traffic at multiple websites?) and whether you want "fast, easy money" or if you want more gratification by working at it for a few months (or even years!) and reaping the rewards for the rest of your life.

All are good questions and all are great conversations to be had to let me know where you're at and help you get focused, committed and wealthy.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Get Paid To Complete Surveys

Ok, I thought I'd kick off this blog with some of my free tips and tools to help make you some spare cash. Now, this is not a "get rich quick" scheme (at least this one's not!!) but it does make you some money over time. I've probably made upwards of £500 a year from multiple GPT ("Get Paid To") survey sites, along with others such as GPT click schemes and GPT surf. All will be reviewed at a later time. However, for now this article is about how get paid by completing surveys!

Primarily you'll need to sign up to a few sites. You'll come to see over time that these sites are real, and the earnings are real. If I've not tried and tested it properly, how can I give my thoughts on how the tool performs, and if it's a hit or a stinker?

Right. Surveys. Here we go; GPT surveys are always free. Never pay a damned penny to join a survey site. These guys are typically middle men who have a list to free websites under their belt and you're paying them for that list they got for free. The subliminal math behind that is this; you = dumb. So don't do it.

If you see a site that says "pay £20 membership!" or "Give me £50 for a list of over 1000 GPT survey sites!" its bollocks, quite frankly. I won't prance about the bush on that one. It's crap. Tell them where to shove it and scramble back here for the good stuff.

Sorry about my French there guys and girls! So lets get to it, shall we?

The best survey sites I've found are probably a mix between ToLuna and PureProfile.

PureProfile is good as you get a fairly consistent rate of high-paying surveys (around £2-3 a go; this is around $4-5 for my US readers) and with a fairly average number of surveys sent to me each week (1-2) I could get a good amount of cash stacked up ready to get paid out to me after a few months. However, as of recently they've stopped sending me as many invitations to surveys; I probably get up to about 6 a month now.

ToLuna on the other hand operates on a "points" system, which is fairly common across most of the more popular GPT survey sites. You get a honking amout of points per survey, between 1,000-50,000, and you can cash them in for vouchers on Amazon, other retailers, donate it to charity or even play a Lotto-esque thing where you can win some pretty impressive prizes. The points to cash conversion rate is quite low; so expect to be spending about 200,000 points for a £10 voucher.


One of the biggest perks with the survey sites is you can sometimes get free stuff! I once received a small range of Durex condoms (no joke!) and one other time I got some sweets. I also had some aftershave balm sent to me to try out and was given the final retail product (worth £10) for free! So this also has it's little perks too.

Below is a list of the more popular survey sites. The most effective way to earning a bigger income from these little earners alone is to sign up to as many as possible. Yes, it'll take some time (some surveys take around 20 mins to complete!) but you get paid for the time you spend on completing the surveys, plus you can occasionally get some free stuff in the post to try out too.